“If ‘Children Did Not Exist, Our World Would Be A Lonesome Place.”

– D-Love Daycare Maxim


painting for fun

Art speaks its own language. In today’s world, nobody knows what a child can become in the future. That is why child psychologists believe that a child can learn anything if given the opportunity. At D-Love Daycare, we pay particular attention to details and endeavor to bring out the creativity in our children. We view each child unique and with the skills endowed in them. In these pictures, Jamison (right above) and Jayvette (right below) and other kids were painting their favorite images. Below is Student tutor Denise Marsh with the kids.

It's Teaching Time

Taking care of kids can be daunting. But it is only by special commitment and love of  kids that keeps you going. At D-Love Daycare, we will be featuring one of our kids as they commit to doing something special. Not only that we allow our kids to play and watch timed kiddies videos, we take time to teach them basic things. In this focus photo, Director Delbra Jerue took time off, as often, to teach McKenzie her numbers and letters. She is also teaching her how to pronounce words in phonetic manner. McKenzie is fast learning and it is interesting to see that kids learn so easily. 

Our staff endeavor every day to teach one new thing to our kids. It could be how to wash their hands, to wash an apple, take the garbage into the dustbin, or some sort of learning activities. Or it could be how not say bad words and how to say thanks to someone when they do something good. For instance, we would tell a kid, “How about say thanks to your sister for giving you the toy…” Our most joy comes when they learn one thing today.

Let The Children Play

Children are easily bored. You must keep them lively. To do so, they need some play time just enough to keep them excited. Don't let too much that they no longer enjoy it.

Daily Activities

Our kids play games with each other and we encourage them to play word games and engage in active but safe plays. We involved our kids in what we do. For example, we let do small things like wash apple, put butter on bread with our guidance, etc.
You will amazed to know that kids a smart and easily pick up on adult's activities.


We ensure that our kids have a conducive and safe playground. This is when they play and enjoy being at our facilities.
The toys of age appropriateness is an added advantage for the kids to play with their own. But kids do share too.